Rapid Set 100 is a very fast setting, high strength ultra low viscosity concrete repair material. This two-part, hybrid urethane system is designed for rapidly rebuilding deeply spalled or damaged concrete surfaces, broken control joints and repairing damaged concrete rapidly, even in cold conditions. Rapid Set 100 can accept heavy loads in approx. 10 - 15 minutes in temps between 50° - 80° F.
Grindable in approx. 15 Minutes
Ultra Low Viscosity
Mixes with sand to fill larger voids.
Hardness - ASTM D2240 Shore D 70
Tack Free - ASTM D2471 4-5 minutes
Tensile - ASTM D412 4500, filled
Tear Strength, pli - ASTM 624-C 560
Elongation - ASTM D124 3.3%
Kit Sizes: 2 gallon and 10 gallon